Golf clubs with an inappropriate lie angle can’t be accepted by any golfer. If the golf club’s lie angle isn’t perfect, then the shot must not be accurate. In this circumstance, the golfers need to bend the golf club’s lie angle as quickly as possible. But, newbies and irregular golfers often make some mistakes while bending the right angle. Keeping a complete idea on how to bend golf clubs lie angle at home can be the savior then. Even the new players can solve it on their own.
Since the golfers try to make different swings, they need to change the lie angle often. However, it’s slightly tricky to bend the lie angle and requires spending some money.
What should my lie angle be?
To be honest, there isn’t any international standard for the lie angle of the golf club. But, there are some experimental measurements to make the shots nice and accurate. If someone has Titleist irons, they should try with 63 degrees angle. The angle size will be decreased to 0.5 degrees for the Callaway XR.
Cobra King F6 performs nicely at a 62.5-degree angle. To reach the destination at one shot, Mizuno JPX-EZ should be set at a 61.5-degree angle. Most of the Ping G25 users use a 62.25-degree angle to receive the desired result. However, none of the angles aren’t guaranteed to be useful for you. Better, you find your best angle on your own.
Benefits of bending golf clubs lie angle at home
It’s a common question- is it truly beneficial to bend a golf club’s lie angle at home? Well, the reader gets the answer here.
- The golf clubs with an inappropriate angle make the club’s toe contactless with the ground. If the user bends the lie angle slightly, there will be a tremendous change.
- A flat golf club can make the heel contactless with the ground & it’s not expected for the golfers. Bending the lie angle is the best option then.
- Bending the golf club’s lie angle at home makes it highly compatible for a successful shot.
- By bending the golf club’s lie angle at home, you’re saving the service charge of the repairer.
How much does it cost to bend a lie angle of a golf club?
The cost is completely dependent on the availability of the necessary tools. It’s mandatory to start the bending process with a good-quality lie and loft machine. If anyone owns this machine, he or she can finish this work within $5. Otherwise, the price can increase up to $200. Remember that the amount of the money must change depending on the amount of work.
How to bend golf clubs lie angle at home
It’s time to get a proper conception of how to bend golf club’s lie angle at home. Before starting the main part, get a lie and loft machine with the bending bar.
Step:1- Put the club set in the lie and loft machine
The first & foremost duty is to put the golf clubs in the exact location. Getting the club set up must be done squarely in the machine. If the setup is improper, the golf club is surely at risk. So, follow the maximum carefulness while putting the club set up.
Step:2- Determine the lie angle
The most important step is to find a suitable lie angle. Anyone can perform this step precisely by following the steps pictured below.
- First, find the shaft plate to place it against the shaft.
- Make a setup to read both loft and lie angles. To do this, positioning the lie plate under the shaft can be helpful.
- Record the reading with the exact value for bending at a perfect angle.
Step:3- Apply bending bar to adjust the angles
Usually, the loft and lie machine arrive with a bending bar. The user can change the lie angle by bending the clubs using this tool. It’s necessary to apply some pressure on the bending bar. And then, the lie angle will start to bend slowly. Never think about pushing the bar roughly because it may exceed the desired angle.
Step:4- Measure the loft and lie again
You’ve already bent the clubs and maybe, made it successful. But, a large number of people won’t get the accurate value of the angle. So, continue the bending process if you aren’t at your desired angle.
People look for some common questions related to the golf club lie angle. Hence, the reader gets some quick questions here along with the answers.
Can you adjust the lie angle on your own?
Yes, you can adjust the lie angle without taking someone’s help. Different clubs require different lie angles. Most often, the angle sizing varies depending on the player’s preferences. You need a lie and loft machine to adjust the desired lie angle. Besides, you need to use a bending bar to set the exact lie angle.
Does a 1-degree lie angle make a difference?
A 1-degree difference is a big issue to create the convenient lie angle. For the shortage of 1-degree angles, the clubs remain 1-degree upright. Then the golfer can’t enable the ball to reach its destination anyhow. And this situation is unable to make the golf shot successful unless fortune favors it.
What happens if my lie angle is too flat?
If the lie angle is too flat, each shot of a golf player will seem like an improper one. The toe remains down at impact for its flat toe angle. So, keeping the lie angle too flat isn’t appreciable at all.
Does lie angle matter on irons?
Yes, lie angles highly matter on irons. The primary direction of the golf ball is dependent on the lie angle. As there are different irons, players have their various kinds of swing. And the lie angle is different for all the irons.
Anyone who hasn’t heard about the lie and loft machine ever can do this job perfectly. The most effort is required in the step of cutting the exact lie angle. Besides, the user needs to fit the clubs inside the machine precisely too to get the expected angle.
Following the aforementioned steps using a powerful bending bar can complete your bending task. All the unknown terms on how to bend golf club’s lie angle at home are revealed now.
The initial direction of your shot is highly dependent on the lie angle of the irons. If it’s in the wrong angle, the best player can’t even make the shots okay. So, fix the golf club’s lie angle before making any golf shot.